Onwards We Go

For the past year, I have been working on my admission to the Peace Corps. It’s been a long journey from waiting on responses to the medical clearance process. I am incredibly excited to begin my journey as an English Co-teacher in North Macedonia starting September 23rd!! While the job ahead is relatively unknown, my journey will be 27 months (3 months of training—2 years at the site). There are many new factors like learning Macedonian (possibly Albanian), living in a new culture, isolation, and gaining respect in a new community as an outsider. While all those aspects of my soon-to-be new life might sound terrifying, I am ecstatic to face these challenges and see the growth the peace corps has to offer and how I can alter the world around me for the better. I am not sure where I will be living or the amenities I might have, but I hope to continue with updates on my adventures, hardships, lessons, and projects that I face on my journey ahead. Одиме понатаму (O-di-me po-na-ta-mu) “Onwards we go.”

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